About Us

Ts. Amiruddin Jahari

Our Story

REDFIN Sdn Bhd was established in September 2022 by Ts. Mohamad Amiruddin Jahari, is a registered construction company under the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) with a paid-up capital of RM200,000.00.

Initially, the founder established Syarikat Kontaktor Reka Bina in 2018, specializing in small-scale renovation projects for the private sector.

To broaden its business scope, the management made the strategic decision to establish a private limited company, aiming to engage in government and private sector projects.

REDFIN holds several notable registrations and certifications. It is registered as a G2 contractor with CIDB, a Class E contractor with UPKJ Sarawak, and a MOF-registered supplier. Additionally, the company has recently achieved a 2-Star rating from the CIDB SCORE assessment.

With a vision and mission focused on excellence, REDFIN is committed to becoming highly competitive and delivering exceptional results in the future.

Our Registrations & Certifications

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